LaserExec Software Version History Version 1.1.5 - June 16, 2004 - Added: support for new QL LED illuminator - Added: support for new QL long pulse mode - Added: support for new QL "Coolant Low" indicator - Changed: improved logical feature (servo/option) support Version 1.1.4 - Mar 19, 2004 - Change: fixed shutter travel bug, where travel was always reported as 255. (NWLaser.pas) Version 1.1.3 - Mar 18, 2004 - Change: Fixed DecimalSeparator issue (LCMain.pas) - Change: Fixed Pegasus interlock issue (NWLaser.pas) - Added: support for configurable shutter travel (NWLaser.pas) - Change: InternalName is now the program's part number Version 1.1.2 - Jan 29, 2004 - Added: Support for IPC - Added: Support for changing current on multiple diodes (Pegasus) - Change: Now uses TInHouseLaser, instead of TNWLaser control - Change: Removed DDE interface Version 1.1.1 - Jan 14, 2003 - Added: Support for closed-loop energy control using a serial remote box. This is a branch revision. Version 1.1.0 - Oct 2, 2003 - Change: Reworking the DDE interface. Version 1.0.5 - June 8, 2003 - Added: support for custom configuration with rotating polarizer. - Fixed: xy rotation range checking was wrong. - Change: enabled rep rate control for ACLs since newer firmware allows it. Version - April 30, 2003 - Changed name from PCLaze2001 to LaserExec. - Added support for the chiller interlock on the Jasper. - Change: The OkToFire bit is used to check for when it is ok to enable the laser. In the past, it just checked for the presence of an interlock failure. Version 0.10.5 - Mar 18, 2003 - Change: GetLaserStatus now uses the SS command for all lasers, and checks the "ok to fire" bit. I added two new status flags (lsOkToFire and lsBurstLock) to TLaserStatusFlags. - Change: Adding "interlock tables" that are used to translate the status bits recieved from the laser into TLaserStatusFlags values. - Fix: The Emission button would sometimes not work right -- the laser would stay on or would not turn on properly. Version 0.10.4 - ???? Gene made changes. Version 0.10.3 - Mar 12, 2003 - Change: (LaserSetup/PCLaze) Hi/Low range control is only enabled when laser has a wavelength wheel, or if it is an Orion (which uses Qswitch delay). Version 0.10.2 - Mar 3, 2003 -Fix: (LaserSetup) Exception would occur at startup if no laser was present. Version 0.10.1 - Feb 27, 2003 -Fix: (LaserSetup) - Bug when setting/getting qsw delay on ACLs. Version 0.10.0 - Feb 24, 2003 - Fix: (LaserSetup) When configuring an ACL, the laser is put into high energy mode so that the correct Q switch delay value is always reported (the firmware can return an incorrect value under some circumstances when in low energy mode). - Fix: (PCLaze2001) On Pegasus, the system status (SS command) wasn't being checked properly. Version 0.9.0 - Feb 12, 2003 - Added: (PCLaze2001/LaserSetup) Support for Pegasus. - Added: (LaserSetup) Support for configuration of the special laser options byte (for Pegasus and Jasper). - Change: (LaserSetup) The system status bit display is now set up according to the laser type. - Fix: (PCLaze2001) Hi/Low range control is always enabled on ACL lasers, not just when a wavelength selector is present. - Fix: (LaserSetup) Q-switch delay setting on ACLs was including the low energy mode delay when the laser was in low energy mode. Version 0.8.13 - Feb 10, 2003 - Added: (LaserSetup) Setting for the secondary q-switch delay on air-cooled lasers. - Fixed: (LaserSetup) Exception that would occur when first trying to configure a new laser (one that hadn't been configured yet). Version 0.8.12 - Feb 10, 2003 - Fixed: (LaserSetup) The diode temp limit wasn't getting saved in the laser. - Added: "Check for New Version" in the Help menu. Will go out and check the website for a newer version of the program. Version 0.8.11 - Dec 12, 2002 - Change: Rep rate LUT is no longer written out to Jasper since the Jasper doesn't use it. Version 0.8.10 - Dec 11, 2002 - Change: Rebuilt with latest version of NWLaser. - Fix: Spelling and grammer errors on Motors page. - Change: Changed organization of Motors/Wavelength page to be a little more logical. - Change: Re-ordered the items in listServos list box to coorespond to the order of TLaserOption flags. - Change: Re-worked the code that had laser options are no longer hard-coded to the order in which they appeared in listServos; instead uses the ordinal value of an option as in index into the list. Still need to make it so listServos Items are populated at runtime, so that we don't have to manually change the list when new laser options are added. - Change: Restored TDS debug info to linker options -- needed for Excmagic logging to be useful. Version 0.8.9 - Dec 05, 2002 - Change: Fix the problem with setting the Mfg Date when the day or month were single-digit numbers. Changes to layout of configuration window. - Change: move the Energy Hi/Lo button close to laser fire button - Added: Support for New Air Cooled Laser family (EzLase, Orion and EzMark) - Added: Rotation support for XYShutter rotation Version 0.8.8 - Nov 18, 2002 - Change: Made it so there is no longer a one-to-one mapping between TLaserOption values and the value returned by the SV? command. This lessens the chance of problems in the future. - Added: Support for marker wheel and aperture rotation in NWLaser, LCMain. Untested on a laser at this time. - Added: LaserSetup supports the "Disable stuck flow switch" option on the Jasper. Version 0.8.7 - Oct 24, 2002 - Fixed: The diode current LUT for the Jasper had only 100 entries when it really needed 101, so the entry for 100% current was 0. - Change: Made all calls to UpdateProgress() use the lookup table's Count property where appropriate. (Cosmetic change). - Fixed: The configure window is now setup for the current laser type when it is opened. Version 0.8.6 - Aug 28, 2002 - Added: LaserSetup - The Jasper hour meter is displayed and can be reset to 0. (This has not been tested yet!). Version 0.8.5 - Aug 20, 2002 - Added: The laser model name is now displayed in the caption of the main window. - Change: TNWLaser now initializes the LaserType to ltUnknown. - Added: TotalHours property to TNWLaser (valid for Jasper only). - Added: LaserSetup - The diode hours are displayed, and there is a button to reset to zero. Version 0.8.4 - Aug 13, 2002 - Added: Made it so program can connect over a network, even when using the terminal window. - Added: Control for setting the diode temp trip point on a Jasper. Version 0.8.3 - June 20, 2002 - Change: Program no longer terminates if laser doesn't initialize. Version 0.8.2.x - March 7, 2002 - Change: XY aperture increment changed from 5 to 1. - Fixed: Various fixes to stepper motor control code. - Fixed: Program now displays error message when communication with laser is lost. - Fixed: The Fire button is now disabled while the laser is starting up. Version 0.8.1.x - Jan 28, 2002 - Change: Laser can still be configured even if initialization failed. - Added: Supports laser controllers with stepper motors. Version 0.8.0.x - Jan 14, 2002 - Change: Converted to use SerialChannel instead of SerialCom. - Added: LaserSetup - supports configuring the diode current lookup table for the Jasper. Version 0.7.0.x - Nov 15, 2001 - Added: Support for Jasper laser. - Added: LOG command line parameter to generate a log file. Version 0.6.2.x - Oct 5, 2001 - Fixed: switching between serial and remote mode would cause an exception error and the interlock status would no longer be updated. Version 0.6.1.x - Aug 9, 2001 - Fixed: a reset command (RS) is sent when writing a configuration to the laser. Version 0.6.0.x - July 19, 2001 - Program is now a DDE server with full support for controlling the laser via DDE. - Added NWLaserLib.DLL Version 0.5.0.x - July 9, 2001 - Changing the way the wavelength is selected -- now using the HS (hole select command). - Revamped the wavelength selection configuration interface. Version 0.4.1.x - July 5, 2001 - LaserSetup - The number of holes in filter wheel is now hidden. Version 0.4.0.x - June 18, 2001 - Added check for Reset Failure, done whenever a flow interlock failure is detected. - Maximum allowed burst count is now 4000. - Added loRangeControl to list of laser options.